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FFT Aura Ai-2 listed in Australian Defence Sales Catalogue

May 10, 2021

FFT Aura Ai-2 has been listed in the fifth edition of the Australian Defence Sales Catalogue showcases some of Australia’s leading-edge products, technologies and services available for export.

Minister for Defence Industry Melissa Price said that the Catalogue is a key export marketing tool, showcasing Australia’s world-leading companies, products and services. “It is aimed at foreign governments but also includes information on government support services available to Australia’s defence industry sector who may be seeking to maximise export opportunities. This includes information on Defence Export Controls, the Australian Defence Export Office, and the Centre for Defence Industry Capability, Team Defence Australia, Export Finance Australia, and Austrade. This support is part of the Morrison Government’s $270 billion investment in our defence capability over the next decade, further building the capacity and capability of Australia’s defence industry and innovation sector.”

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